Character sheet for the Cepheus Light science fiction role-playing game.
Available in portrait and landscape layouts in both A4 and US Letter sizes. ... [click here for more]
Ever needed to run a quick sci-fi game at a convention without much time for the players to go through the rules? Ever wanted to introduce your friends to sci-fi RPGs with ease? Look no further! Cepheus Quantum Revised Edition provides streamlined, simple rules for exciting sci-fi adventures - which fits on a single sheet of paper! (the two sides of one page). These rules use a simple... [click here for more]
Whether exchanging laser fire with aliens across a cratered moonscape or pushing the speed of light in a shining spaceship, interstellar adventurers lead exciting lives. These minimalist rules allow you to experience these wondrous adventures without fuss or complication. They are perfect for convention play, pick-up games, or a beer-and-pretzels night when you roll dice and blow stuff up. They include... [click here for more]
Cepheus Engine ha aperto le rotte verso le stelle per gli avventurieri coraggiosi che decidono di affrontare la vastità cosmica alla ricerca di fortuna e gloria (o forse per sbarcare il lunario). Volete trascorrere trascorrere una semplice serata tra amici? Oppure siete alla ricerca di un regolamento più leggero che vi permetta di giocare una o poche sessioni senza addentrarvi nei dettagli... [click here for more]
Starships riding fire across the sky. Heroes and villains exchanging laser fire. Desperate spacers struggling against an alien monstrosity. Vast alien vistas, flying cities, moonscapes, mad robots, and first encounters. High-action science-fiction adventure that stimulates your sense of wonder. All of these create a rich tapestry against which exciting role-playing adventures can take place. From the... [click here for more]
Ever needed to run a quick sword & sorcery game at a convention without much time for the players to go through the rules? Ever wanted to introduce your friends to sword & sorcery RPGs with ease? Look no further! Quantum Sorcery provides streamlined, simple rules for exciting sword & sorcery adventures - which fits on a single sheet of paper! (the two sides of one page).... [click here for more]
One of the features of Cepheus Deluxe: Enhanced Edition was making character generation non-random by default. We wanted to catch everyone’s attention and showcase what could be done with the 2D6 OGL Science Fiction mechanic. Making custom characters is a feature that greatly helps Referees speed things up for pickup games, and it helps bring new players to Cepheus Deluxe. No longer... [click here for more]