e-Adventure TilesAnnual 1by Edward Bourelle
e-Adventure Tiles: Annual 1 collects all of the bonus tiles released during the first year of this best selling series in one place. All of the sets listed below are covered in this Annual collection of more than 50 FREE tiles ? Multi-Level CavesCave/Dungeon LinksCave PassagesCave ChambersFlooded... [click here for more]
e-Adventure TilesAnnual 2by Edward Bourelle e-Adventure Tiles: Annual 2 collects all of the bonus tiles from e-Adventure Tiles sets SKG142e through SKG170e. In addition to all of the sets listed below a brand new six tile set, Adventure Town: Canals, is also included here. That's 38 free tiles all in one convenient place. Graveyard, Dungeon Details... [click here for more]
e-Adventure Tiles: Fungus Caves contains 10 FREE six by six inch square tiles that can be assembled into a small encounter area or used to expand on other sets of e-Adventure Tiles.
This set links directly with these other e-Adventure Tile sets. Cave ChambersCave PassagesFlooded CavesSewer TunnelsCave/Dungeon Links
... [click here for more]
Insidethe Ptolus Bonus Map Pack you will find 25 maps originally appearing in the adventures from Ptolus: Monte Cook’s City by the Spire and Ptolus: The Night of Dissolution. Each map is presented as a full page image for easy reference and includes the original labeled version and a version with most of the labels removed. Only title, scale,... [click here for more]
This PDF collects the Free bonus tiles from the following eFuture Tiles sets:
Xenomorph Hive
Star Freighter
Star Patrol
Star Command
Star Chasers
Ice Cave Base
Battle Damaged Starship
Power Generator
and Starships ... [click here for more]
Master Tiles merges the high quality graphics for which SkeletonKey Games is known with the layer function of Adobe Acrobat to bring a new level of creativity to miniatures-scale tiles. Fill your encounter areas with heaps of detail or strip them down to the bare minimum. Walls can be set to match existing e-Adventure Tile sets or left to show the material textures of their... [click here for more]