They Are The Squamous
They were once humanoid like anyone else... healthy, living tissue with their own futures and destiny, but something went wrong. A glitch in the genetics, an outside influence, a combination of factors, no one is sure. Now, they're the opposite of healthy.
They hide in communities and societies, destroying those that come in contact with them and rendering the healthy into... [click here for more]
WARNING: Contains Strong Language and Mature Themes!
"There are about to be ten billion people on the Earth. Who's going to miss a few?"
Welcome to the world of 2015. Mankind's greed for wealth and knowledge has damned our collective souls. The Corporations have decalred that human beings are a resource, to be used and discarded as they wish. Careless mages have released the demons... [click here for more]
For All Your Collecting Needs!
Hot Chicks: The Roleplaying Game has generated over a hundred supplements (a hundred and six as of this writing), and with the Victory System and our Standee products, it can be tricky to know which Dakkar Unlimted products you may still need to pick up.
Here is a comprehensive checklist of our entire catalog. Also included is a chronological listing of the books... [click here for more]
"I'm Waiting For The Book"
When you're trying to get a game together, the last thing you want to hear from everyone at the table is "I'm waiting for the book." With all of the options available for special abilities and equipment in the Victory System, that time can really add up! So, here's a Quick Reference guide to help out.
The Victory System Character Quick Reference contains all of the charts... [click here for more]
Keep Track of your Year with Dakkar Unlimited!
It's that time again; time to start thinking about how you're going to navigate the glorious year 2015! How about a calendar with artwork from some of our favorite products from 2014?
All twelve months, every day in every month! Also included; most major holidays and observances for a variety of faiths and national rememberances.
Here's wishing everyone... [click here for more]