It looked so good when we took our first job - top salary, unique experiences, explore exotic colony worlds beyond the vast. They didn't say our first ship was aboard a pre-Drift tech starship and that we'd have to spend the next 18 months in cold sleep, this was not the unique experience we were hoping for. I hope we don't have a rude awakening before its done.Rude Awakening... [click here for more]
This is my entry into the 2016 One Page Dungeon Contest, with an extended gazetteer of room-by-room descriptions of this space station dungeon adventure, a full scale layered PDF map of the space station deck plan at 32 x 54 inches in scale, set at 1 inch = 5 foot scale. With its layers users can shut off the labels, starship, effects or grid to make player maps, or even to alter maps using graphics... [click here for more]
A "not-for-children" Children's Book, the Twelve Nights of Yuleblood, is a Christmas inspired orc raid onto the realms of the Thamerhane Valley, of dark tongue-in-cheek humor that only a gamer would appreciate. A nice little stocking stuffer for your favorite gamer. ... [click here for more]