Andrus is a world in miniature; with nowhere to go and a hostile world beating at the walls, Andrus houses hundreds of races and thousands of cultures, each one vying for survival in a city filled to the brim with ancient enemies, world-moving powers, and a metropolis full of factions struggling for dominance in this strange, new world. Designed for the Skybourn campaign setting, in Andrus gnolls break... [click here for more]
The world of the Skybourne campaign setting is a world destroyed; the breaking of the Walkways unleashed the Forest and consumed the surface world, leaving only mountain tops, seabeds, deserts, and the tops of floating islands available for the displaced to live.
This world map shows the world of Khrone in a high res map. It is included in the book Woodfaring Adventures, but is included here as a... [click here for more]
Wreckage to Deliverance is an adventure for 4 to 6 players at 1st level in the Skybourne campaign setting. In it, players experience the dangers of airship travel, battling the elements, and trying to survive in harsh environments.
In this, the player’s guide, you will find all sorts of information designed to help both players and GMs make the most of this adventure, including character creation... [click here for more]