This small document is a showcase on what became my favorite NPC to run.
But beyond sharing that, the secondary purpose is talking about a seldomly mentioned topic in the TTRPG space: a NPC guide that acts a surrogate for the GM to inject information to the players.
This is NOT a GMPC, but is a character that acts as a mouthpiece for the GM to prod and direct players without having to completely... [click here for more]
This is a mechanical boss monster that does 1 thing. it clearly charges and lines up an attack, and at the start of its next turn executes it, dealing guaranteed damage. The challenge of this boss fight is to avoid devastating attacks while dealing with its movement impairing effects and of course peppering in some attack in between. ... [click here for more]
My ABSOLUTELY FREE 5e-compatible PDF that clocks in at 144 pages of fully custom art. All professionally edited. I encourage you to not pay anything until you look through it and determine it's worth it. if you like it, follow or support me on ko-fi or twitter.
Update: Version 1.1, the revision, is now complete and available. still completely free, thanks to the community that helped me improve... [click here for more]
This small supplement is for a wizard subclass that is based off huge damage, while sacrificing utility. Taking inspiration from the Final Fantasy XIV's black mage job. ... [click here for more]