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Pathways #56 (PFRPG)

Pathways #56 (PFRPG)

Pathways covered in Blood! (Now available in Print!)  How can you say to no to even more FREE Pathfinder content. A monster template, oracles of blood, bloodstones, Dungeon Dressings for wizards pockets and graffiti, plus a subterranean spell showcase, as well as episode #21 of the Path Less Traveled Comic by Jacob Blackmon. If you say no, Steven D. Russell and cover artist Bob Greyvenstein, will...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #60 (PFRPG)

Pathways #60 (PFRPG)

Pathways of Dreams We know you were hoping for a Unicorn, but this month's Dream Killer isn't having it!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content you can bring to nearly any table. You'll find articles by Owen K.C. Stephens, Creighton Broadhurst, and David J. Paul. Our guest writers this month are Mike Welham and Maria Smolina as...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #61 (PFRPG)

Pathways #61 (PFRPG)

How can you say to no to even more FREE Pathfinder content. A monster template, terrain spells, occult archetypes and insights, and a look into uncommon races views on occult magic. Plus our next episode of Path Less Traveled Comic by Jacob Blackmon all topped with our custom art cover by Michele Grigori. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content you...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #62 (PFRPG)

Pathways #62 (PFRPG)

How can you say to no to even more FREE Pathfinder content. Another monster template, terrain spell showcase, articles that address the dead (but not the undead!). Plus our next episode of Path Less Traveled Comic by Jacob Blackmon all topped with our custom art cover by Kaj Driesen. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content you can bring to nearly...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #63 (PFRPG)

Pathways #63 (PFRPG)

Pathways of Love!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Daniel Yang will send an Avatar of Love after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #64:Music (PFRPG)

Pathways #64:Music (PFRPG)

Pathways of Music!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Klaudia Bulantova' will send the Maestrolich after you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table....   [click here for more]
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Pathways #65:Menageries (PFRPG)

Pathways #65:Menageries (PFRPG)

Pathways of Menageries!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Douglas Deri will send the Beast Whisperer!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #66 Memory (PFRPG)

Pathways #66 Memory (PFRPG)

Pathways of Memories!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Dionisas Milonas will send the Lether Eater to steal your BRAAAIIINS...oh wait that's zombies, never mind!! As I was saying, you should definitely check this issue out as we...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #67:Remembrance (PFRPG)

Pathways #67:Remembrance (PFRPG)

Pathways of Remembrance!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons?  This issue is a special edition that is a dedication to Rite Publishing's founder Steven D. Russell.  You'll find fantastic spells(Dave Paul), creature templates(Owen K.C. Stephens), 10 Things Article (Creighton Broadhurst),...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #68 Royalty (PFRPG)

Pathways #68 Royalty (PFRPG)

Pathways of Royalty! How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Bruno Balixa will send the Royal  Hieracosphinx after you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #69 Schools and Academies (PFRPG)

Pathways #69 Schools and Academies (PFRPG)

Pathways: Schools and Academies  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Tan Hui Tian will send the Book Bound Monster to you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #70 Faerie Tales

Pathways #70 Faerie Tales

Pathways: Faerie Tales How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Shannon Szczepanski will send Stiltzkin after you! Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #71 Half Breeds

Pathways #71 Half Breeds

Pathways #71: Half Breeds How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Wojciech Dudziski will send the Duchess of Greenrill after you! Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #72 Witches, Hexes, and Curses

Pathways #72 Witches, Hexes, and Curses

Pathways #72: Withces, Hexes, and Curses How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Dylan Reader will hunt you down with the Hexicorn Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #75 Luck

Pathways #75 Luck

Pathways #75: Luck How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Wendall Roy and artist Cassandra Dale will work the cards for your bad luck! Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #85 Twins

Pathways #85 Twins

Pathways #85: Twins How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Open Game Content? In this issue you'll find: The Mirror Twin Creature Template by Owen K.C. Stephens 10 Suspiciously Detailed Dungeon Treasure Chests by Creighton Broadhurst The Twins Spell Showcase by David J. Paul Alike in Make and Craftsmanship, an article about twinned items by Joshua Hennington Twin Soul, a spiritualist...   [click here for more]
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Pathways Free Subscription

Pathways Free Subscription

Showing you the Rite Pathways for the Taking! How can you say “No” to a collection of Pathfinder material ranging from monster templates, GMing advice, character archetypes, comics, interviews, and more. You'd have to be crazy to turn it down.  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a Patreon backed e-zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll...   [click here for more]
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Gossamer Worlds: GlimmerGloam (Diceless)

Gossamer Worlds: GlimmerGloam (Diceless)

The Grand Stair stretches behind the scenes of the multiverse,  The Doors upon its unfathomably vast span leading the way to gossamer worlds of limitless variety and infinite possibility. In some of these realms, nonsense is the only sense, and madness reigns supreme. GlimmerGloam is a dark wonderland of chaos and creation – a topsy-turvy faerie realm frothing over with dangerous nonsense...   [click here for more]
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Fold-N-Go Singles: Altar

Fold-N-Go Singles: Altar

Come and make a sacrifice at the Altar! This has a greater meaning when your characters are fighting for more than just a little box on a map drawn with a dry-erase pen. Give the players something they can look at with fear and trepidation (or awe), something that inspires them to act like heroes instead of just thinking about the next action. Layers Product has multiple layers for...   [click here for more]
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Gossamer Options: Characters (Diceless)

Gossamer Options: Characters (Diceless)

PDF Pay What You Want can be found HERE! Infinite Worlds means Infinite Options. Gossamer Options: Characters is a different kind of supplement for Lords of Gossamer & Shadow. Originally created as a set of fan blog posts by designer Mark Knights, about 30 character builds presented at three different point levels (Low, Medium, and High), providing you with over 90 ready...   [click here for more]
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Gossamer Options: Characters (Diceless)

Gossamer Options: Characters (Diceless)

Full Color Softcover Print  copy for $24.99 on DrivethruRpg/RpgNow HERE! Infinite Worlds means Infinite Options. Gossamer Options: Characters is a different kind of supplement for Lords of Gossamer & Shadow. Originally created as a set of fan blog posts by designer Mark Knights, about 30 character builds presented at three different point levels (Low, Medium, and High),...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #1

Pathways #1

Showing you the Rite Pathways for the Taking!   How can you say "No" to a collection of Pathfinder haunts and templates, high-level foes and minor constructs, feats and domains, and all of it bundled together with a collected view of upcoming third-party products for the Pathfinder RPG? You'd have to be crazy to turn it down.   Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #10 (PFRPG)

Pathways #10 (PFRPG)

Tread the path of savage steampunk!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, and Npcs? All of it bundled together with a new haiku fiction piece by author Matt Banach? If you say no Mike Welham will send his erudite strangler for you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #11 (PFRPG)

Pathways #11 (PFRPG)

Take the Path to the Far East!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, magic items, and adventure seed? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Emma Lazauski  will send the Empress of Bitter Flames after you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #12 (PFRPG)

Pathways #12 (PFRPG)

Pathways Paved in Stone!  How can you say "No" to a collection of Pathfinder haunts and templates, fearsome foes and unique encounters, feats and domains all of that bundled together with an Interview with Owen K.C. Stephens? You'd have to be crazy to turn it down.  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #13 (PFRPG)

Pathways #13 (PFRPG)

Find your Path beyond your Pride!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, feats, domains, and archetypes? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Phillip Simpson will send a Prideful Coutal after you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by Jonathan...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #14 (PFRPG)

Pathways #14 (PFRPG)

A Bloody Path Stretches Out Before you!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, feats, domains, and archetypes? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Gordon Napier will send a Bloody Eyrines after you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #15 (PFRPG)

Pathways #15 (PFRPG)

 Become a Glutton for Pathways!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, feats, domains, and archetypes? If you say no designer Will McCardell and artist Lance Red will send a Gluttonous Satyr after you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by Will Mcardell...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #16 (PFRPG)

Pathways #16 (PFRPG)

 Don't Envy our Pathways, Get Yours For FREE!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, feats, and monsters? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Juan Diego Dianderas will send a Envious Sprite after you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #17 (PFRPG)

Pathways #17 (PFRPG)

 Don't let hellfire bar your Pathways, get yours for FREE!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, archetypes, feats, and monsters? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Claudio Pozas will send a Hellfire Creature after you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table....   [click here for more]
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Pathways #18 (PFRPG)

Pathways #18 (PFRPG)

 A Tsunami of FREE content!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, magic items, feats, and monsters? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Joe Shawcross will send a Cataclysmic Creature after you. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by Michael...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #19 (PFRPG)

Pathways #19 (PFRPG)

Pathways to a Witching good time!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, magic items, feats, and monsters? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Mark Hyzer will send a Witchfire Creature for you this Halloween. Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #2

Pathways #2

Showing you the Rite Way is the Free Way!   How can you say "No" to a collection of Pathfinder haunts and templates, high-level foes and combining monstrosities, feats and domains, and all of it bundled together with a interview with Tim Hitchcock? You'd have to be crazy to turn it down.   Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #20 (PFRPG)

Pathways #20 (PFRPG)

Get on the Iron Pathway!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, npcs and magic items? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Gary Dupuis will send a Iron Lich Creature for you this Thanksgiving.  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by Michael...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #21 (PFRPG)

Pathways #21 (PFRPG)

Pathway to Heaven!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, treasures and monsters? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Lucilla Lischetti will send a Soul-Fire Creature for you this Holiday.  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by Owen K.C....   [click here for more]
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Pathways #22 (PFRPG)

Pathways #22 (PFRPG)

BY THE POWER OF PATHWAYS!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, and monsters? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist WTArnold will send a Divine Champion Creature for you this new year!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by rpg superstar...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #23 (PFRPG)

Pathways #23 (PFRPG)

Pathways Beyond The Stars!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, and magic items? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Gennifer Bone will send a Dark Tapestry Creature for you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by rpg superstar Mike...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #24 (PFRPG)

Pathways #24 (PFRPG)

Pathways of Lust!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, alternative racial traits, and favored class bonuses? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Ian Greenlee will send a Lustful Rakshasa after you (though you might like that)!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #25 (PFRPG)

Pathways #25 (PFRPG)

Foolish Pathways!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Darrenn Canton will send a Deadly Prankster Faerie Dragon after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #26 (PFRPG)

Pathways #26 (PFRPG)

Pathways you were not meant to know!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monsters, and a demon clown? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Dallas Williams will send a Despiser Drow Noble Magus after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #27 (PFRPG)

Pathways #27 (PFRPG)

Who watches the Pathways?  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, NPCs, Feng Shui feats, Apeiron Staffs, and a free preview of 101 Not So Random Encounters Winter? If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Keith Seymour will send a Watchmen Silver Dragon after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #3 (PFRPG)

Pathways #3 (PFRPG)

Showing you the Rite Path so you can Find your Way!   How can you say "No" to a collection of Pathfinder haunts and templates, Ogres, Wolves, and more combining monstrosities, feats and domains, all of it bundled together with a interview with Brandon Hodge (Pathfinder Module: From Sea to Shore and Sunken Empires)? You'd have to be crazy to turn it down.   Rite Publishing brings you Pathways,...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #31 (PFRPG)

Pathways #31 (PFRPG)

A Hellishly Horriffic Pathways!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, alternate traits, cavern dressings,  interviews and advice columns If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Jacob Blackmon will send a Red Jester Balor Demon after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take to the table....   [click here for more]
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Pathways #33 (PFRPG)

Pathways #33 (PFRPG)

The Pathways of Kingmakers!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, spell lists, adventures and enviormental encounters, interviews, and advice columns If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Nick Russell will send a  Kingkiller Lizard King after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #34 (PFRPG)

Pathways #34 (PFRPG)

The Pathways of Envy!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, race options, insights, interviews, and encounters If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Joshua Calloway will send a Envious Troll after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles by Steven...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #35 (PFRPG)

Pathways #35 (PFRPG)

Pathways of the Machine!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, race options, insights, interviews, encounters, and new archetypes.  If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Peter Saga will send a Chine Mi-Go after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #36 (PFRPG)

Pathways #36 (PFRPG)

Pathways through Time!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, monsters, insights, interviews, encounters, and a new Comic by Jacob Blackmon.  If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Kamil Jadczak will send a Timebreaker Marid after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take to the table....   [click here for more]
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Pathways #38 (PFRPG)

Pathways #38 (PFRPG)

Pathways of Sorrow and Serpents!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, digital realms, interviews, Npcs, and another new Comic by Jacob Blackmon.  If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Eva Maria Toker will send a Dread Banshee Serpentfolk after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #39 (PFRPG)

Pathways #39 (PFRPG)

Pathways of Amber!  How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, digital realms, interviews, Npcs, and another new Comic by Jacob Blackmon.  If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Julia Metzger will send a Amber Unicorn after you!  Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take to the table. You'll find...   [click here for more]
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Pathways #4 (PFRPG)

Pathways #4 (PFRPG)

Find the Rite Path!  Rite Publishing continues its free e-zine with templates, new monsters, domains, feats, encounters, and reviews all bundled together with a Greg A. Vaughn (Pathfinder Chronicles: Into the Darklands and Slumbering Tsar) interview about Tome of Horrors Complete!  You'll also find articles by Jonathan McNulty (Coliseum Morpheuon), T. H. Gulliver (#30 Haunts...   [click here for more]
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  Bolt Action: Armies of Germany: Third Edition