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Abney Park's Airship Pirates

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Paperback on sale! Only $35 until the end of August!

Someone screwed the timeline up

It's 2150, and the Earth's starting to get over the Great Apocalypse of 1906. From the steampunk sky-cities of Isla Aether and High Tortuga, airship pirates ply the clouds, in search of excitement and booty, kept in check only by the might of the Imperial Air Navy.

Down below, North America is a wilderness, its beast-haunted wastelands criss-crossed by the tracks of the freedom-loving Neobedouins and the armoured railroads that connect the Emperor's widely scattered domains.

In the walled, smog-shrouded cities, people huddle in forced Victorian squalor, lorded over by the upper classes, while the Emperor's clockwork policemen patrol the streets and the ultimate threat of the Change Cage hangs over those who would rebel.

You've got yourself an airship. You've got yourself a crew. You've got yourself one of Doctor Calgori's fancy chronominautilus devices. All you need now is a good swig of rum (trust us, you'll need it), and you're ready to set sail on the winds of time and plunder history itself!

Who knows, maybe you can screw up the timeline some more?


With a crew of drunken pilots

We're the only airship pirates

We're full of hot air and we're starting to rise

We're the terror of the skies but a danger to ourselves

From the music of renowned steampunk band Abney Park

From the true (honest!) tales of Captain Robert of the airship Ophelia

From the creators of the Clockwork & Chivalry and Victoriana RPGs comes the ultimate steampunk role-playing experience... Airship Pirates!


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Alan E August 13, 2018 8:14 pm UTC
I purchased this game in hardcover from my local brick and mortar about three years ago, and then got Underneath the Lamplight shortly after that. I was wondering if there was any interest in continuing the line? Additionally: I know that WFRP 4th edition is coming out soon, and as I have had great success in reducing the hero factor by porting this game into WFRP 2nd Edition's System, I was also curious about whether or not there would ever be a D100 version of the game?
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David D July 31, 2018 7:27 am UTC
This looks Amazing :) I'm looking forward to reading it :)
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File Last Updated:
September 22, 2011
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde September 22, 2011.