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Abandon All Hope 1E

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In the 27th century, after generations of war, Terra has finally entered a Golden Age. With the rise of a new global regime, and the installment of a Pan-Terran Meritocracy, efforts are made to stamp out crime and violence permanently. The solution: the ruthless rounding up of all murderers, vice offenders, dissidents and anarchists and loading them onto the colossal prison hulk, Gehenna. The concept is simple. Eradication of all lawbreakers from Terran society and indefinite exile to the furthest corners of space.

Five years into its automated voyage, the Gehenna has inexplicably vanished from all tracking and earth-based telescopes. Five years into is voyage, the Gehenna and the nine million souls aboard her has slipped through a spatial anomaly into another dimension entirely.

The event has wrought havoc on the ship and caused the death of many aboard. Thousands more are now free, running riot in the ship's dark levels. Murderers, rapists, and maniacs are loose, but they are not alone. This new dimension is home to strange alien lifeforms that are drawn to the hate, misery, fear and suffering of those aboard.

Abandon All Hope is a science-fiction/supernatural horror role-playing game in which players take on the role of the condemned aboard an automated spaceship that has plunged over the edge of the known universe. Here, in another dimension, they must contend with escaped lunatics, robotic controllers, and monstrous aliens who feed off of their fear and suffering. Former convicts are now the heroes, and every day is a fight for survival. For those who seek it there will be chances to escape, to gain power, embrace damnation, or seek redemption...

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May 23rd, 2015
I had my first game of AAH yesterday night, using the Seeds of Rage adventure, you can read the review elsewhere.. Ok, my love for the premise of the setting was spot on so I bought it in the fly. And it delivers. The PC creation system: [...]
Megan R. [Crítico destacado]
October 23rd, 2010
You might think that it was bad enough to be locked up on an automated spaceship and sent off on a one-way journey to an unknown destination in the company of people even nastier than yourself... but that's only the start of it. Science-fiction meets [...]
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File Last Updated:
October 18, 2010
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde October 18, 2010.