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The Black Hart of Camelot

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The Black Hart of Camelot is a larp set in the legendary age of King Arthur, bringing together the lords and ladies of Camelot for a gathering that will shape the fate of the Kingdom of Britain.

The scenario features 24 characters including Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, Morgan le Fay, Tristan and Isolde, Merlin, the Lady of the Lake, the Fisher King and many more. The characters are all swept up in the intrigue, chivalry, and romance of the Arthurian era. The game takes about 2 to 4 hours. It wouldn't be an Arthurian epic without honourable combats, which can be resolved with your choice of either foam weapon fighting or a simple rock-paper-scissors system. Included in the game are:

  • A nine page Player Guide to send to your players. This describes the setting and rules, and lists the characters to choose from. You can view the whole guide in the preview on this page. 
  • A twenty-four page Game Master Guide with an explanation of all the plots, suggestions for how to arrange your venue, instructions on how to run the game, and an overview of the inspirations for the game.
  • Twenty-four character sheets as individual PDFs to give to your players.
  • Three colour documents in a medieval style for you to print, including an in-character map of Arthurian Britain.

Whether you're running this game for your role-playing group, for some friends or at a gaming convention it's sure to engage your players. There are no pre-plotted events in the scenario, it will reach a unique conclusion based on your players' choices.

Praise for The Black Hart of Camelot:

"Late in his reign, Arthur has summoned his court to discuss an ill omen - the black hart of the title. Meanwhile, his vassal kings are squabbling and on the verge of war, Lancelot's affair with Guinevere threatens to become public, and Morgan le Fey schemes to usurp her brother's throne for their son, Mordred. All of these key storylines are in play, but the outcomes are not predetermined. The kingdom could be saved (for now), and Arthur preserved to come again - or it could collapse into civil war and anarchy. The fate of Britain is in the player's hands." 

"Allows the players to act out the great stories of the Arthurian cycle - the romance of Lancelot and Guinevere, the treason of Mordred, the intrigues of Mark, and the quest for the Holy Grail"

Click here to read the full review at

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Opiniones (5)
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November 26th, 2018
Very well-written, and lots of fun! I played the character Brangaine and later purhcased the game in its entirety because I really rather fell in love. Reading over it, I adore the characterization and the plots are very well crafted. There are some tr [...]
November 17th, 2012
I had a lot of fun with this LARP! It was very well written with multiple layers of overlapping plots leading to fascinating gameplay - with action happening on the chivalric and romantic levels, the political scale and also the divine and mystic level [...]
October 22nd, 2010
I have played this game twice, once in Auckland (as Merlin) and once in Wellington (as Gawaine). It perfectly captures the key stories and themes of the Arthurian cycle and mixes them together in interesting ways, without dictating any outcomes. The me [...]
October 22nd, 2010
I played this game about two years ago and we still talk about it. It was a great game and having just looked through the published material I'm amazed at the quality of it. This is a very well written professional publication and I'm 100% confidant an [...]
October 21st, 2010
I played this game when it first ran in Auckland, NZ and I have to say it was easily the best game I played that year! The characters are compelling and well-written, and the setting is just beautiful. Best played in the summer, in a grove or meadow wi [...]
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File Last Updated:
October 17, 2010
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde October 15, 2010.
Información de la editorial
Ryan Paddy
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