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Night City

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You can hear them moving up fast; faster than your meat legs can carry you. There's a snick as they pop the rippers and move in for the kill; you flatten against the alley wall, and brace your Minami against the slick, slimy stone. It's now or never, you think, slamming back the bolt and offering up a prayer to whatever dark and nameless gods might be listening.

Maybe if you'd known this was Blood Razor turf, you woulda been smart enough to stay clear after dark. Maybe there was another way to get crosstown and infiltrate Arasaka's Japantown base, but you didn't know it. Maybe if you'd stopped to download some info from a dataterm before you walked right into the sharp end, you wouldn't be here now, waiting to become a booster's latest mutilation victim...

But you're never gonna know. Not now. You're not getting a second chance.

Because this is NIGHT CITY.

NIGHT CITY. A monster sourcebook containing over 180 jam-packed pages of information on the definitive CYBERPUNK® setting! Hit the CONTROLLED URBAN ZONES with 3D maps and detailed, building by building descriptions to match. Each section also includes comprehensive overviews of FLOOR PLANS, PERSONALITIES, ENCOUNTERS and CONTACTS. The FLASHMAPS Section puts you "on the spot" at the hottest restaurants, clubs, and theatres, as well as SCHEDULES, TRANSIT MAPS and AREA VIEWS. the ARTICLES Section interfaces you with background on SECURITY, PEOPLE OF THE CITY, GANGS & TURFMAPS, plus a U.S. 2020 overview!

So, if you're looking for the ultimate dark future urban environment, take a trip to NIGHT CITY. because you may not live to get another chance.

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Opiniones (7)
Debates (8)
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Emilee M June 21, 2021 5:04 am UTC
Does Multiple File format include a PDF of the book? I was confused about what it means
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R. Talsorian Games, Inc. C June 21, 2021 12:31 pm UTC
It does! It also includes the Night City map in various file formats.
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Greg S April 10, 2021 4:34 pm UTC
Can you enable a preview so I can see the quality of the text? Is this a scan? Is it readable? I saw a print copy of Tales of the Forlorn Hope at a local game store and it was unreadable. The text was so blurry that I could not read it!
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R. Talsorian Games, Inc. C April 12, 2021 3:42 pm UTC
Not including a preview was an oversite. Sorry about that. We've enabled it. The book is a scan of the original, as this was done long enough ago that technology makes anything other than that or a completely new layout impossible.
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Stacy B October 13, 2019 12:04 am UTC
This is a bargain, the only reason I'm not buying it is...I have the original book from back in the day sat on the bookshelf next to me, for Cyberpunk, it's a damn good resource for GM's to us for games.
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VALENTINOS K March 02, 2019 8:57 am UTC
0kay one final question before I buy this.

Was the original book in colour? Because here it says B+W

Thank you
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R. Talsorian Games, Inc. C March 10, 2019 3:39 pm UTC
The original book was not, no. It was always black and white with a color cover.
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Aidan W December 30, 2018 5:18 am UTC
Is this PDF OCRed?
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R. Talsorian Games, Inc. C January 30, 2019 11:22 pm UTC
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T S R July 04, 2018 3:24 pm UTC
I would also love a printed version to be available!
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Jason R July 14, 2018 7:30 pm UTC

"We’ve noticed the Night City sourcebook for Cyberpunk 2020 is currently selling for an obscene amount of money at a certain online retailer. Please don’t spend that sort of money! We’ve made it a priority to get the book back into print as soon as possible, where it will sell for $30. If you can’t wait to immerse yourself in the ambiance of the cyberpunk city of tomorrow, consider purchasing the PDF currently for sale at DriveThruRPG. At just $9, its an excellent value."

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VALENTINOS K June 20, 2018 4:43 am UTC
Can I cyber-echo Matt's sentiment here?

We need the guide in print! :)
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Matt A February 16, 2018 3:56 pm UTC
I wish this book was available as POD. It's very difficult to find a used copy anywhere.
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Para crear las ediciones de descarga en PDF, cada página se ha procesado con un software de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR) para tratar de descifrar el texto impreso. El resultado se coloca de forma invisible debajo de la imagen de cada página escaneada para permitir búsquedas de texto. Sin embargo, es muy probable que los textos de libros que estén impresos sobre un fondo gráfico o en fuentes escritas a mano no sean reconocidos por el software OCR y, por tanto, no formen parte de los resultados de las búsquedas. Además, algunos libros más grandes pueden ser reorganizados para que se adapten al sistema y puede que no tengan ese fondo que permite búsquedas.

Para los libros impresos, hemos realizado escaneos de alta resolución de una copia física original del libro. Esencialmente, hemos remasterizado digitalmente el libro. Por desgracia, la calidad resultante en tales libros no es tan alta. Es el problema que tiene hacer una copia de una copia. El texto se puede leer, pero las ilustraciones empiezan a verse oscuras, pixeladas o carentes de tonos de gris. Las fotos pueden desarrollar patrones moiré. Especificamos claramente qué títulos impresos provienen de imágenes escaneadas de libros, para que puedas realizar una decisión de compra informada acerca de la calidad de lo que vas a recibir.
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Estos ebooks fueron creados a partir de los archivos originales de diseño digital y, por tanto, se pueden realizar búsquedas en todo su texto. Además, el tamaño de archivo tiende a ser más pequeño que el de los libros de imágenes escaneadas. LA mayoría de los libros más nuevos están en este formato. Tanto las versiones para descarga como para impresión de estos libros deberían tener una gran calidad.
File Last Updated:
March 08, 2019
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde May 27, 2004.