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Changeling: The Lost

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ENnie Gold Award for Best Art, Interior; Best Production Values; Best Writing; and Product of the YearA Storytelling Game of Beautiful Madness

Taken from your home, transformed by the power of Faerie, kept as the Others’ slave or pet — but you never forgot where you came from. Now you have found your way back through the Thorns, to a home that is no longer yours. You are Lost. Find yourself.

The Core Rulebook for Changeling: The Lost™

• A rulebook for playing the changelings, those humans changed by durance in Faerie to something more than human

• A vivid imagining of the fae beings and places that hide unseen in the World of Darkness

• Provides new player types and antagonists for crossover chronicles as well as chronicles focusing on changelings alone

Changeling: The Lost is the fifth game in the World of Darkness.

NOTE: This is the second printing version of the book, with errata incorporated. Also, the digital format is significantly different than the previous one, so comments in the review about the file size and loading time are outdated as of October 2nd, 2008.

Don't miss any of White Wolf's Changling: The Lost series

Changeling: The Lost Autumn Nightmares Winter Masques Rites of Spring Equinox Road

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Opiniones (18)
Debates (9)
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Mark T. S August 05, 2023 3:23 am UTC
Is it really Black & White colored? The previews seem to show it's all green? If it's really Black & White, where can I find the full green-colored book?
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Brian S March 24, 2024 12:43 am UTC
To get the one in color you'll need an original print run. These are POD and are only done in b&w to cut down on cost.
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mark W February 01, 2022 5:39 am UTC
I am so confused and frustrated. Which edition of the World of Darkness Core book do I need to play with this 1st edition, and which with the 2nd edition? Does the first edition use WoD while the second edition uses Chronicles of Darkness?
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Brian A August 16, 2022 12:53 am UTC
Yes, that is correct
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Stephen N October 16, 2021 5:14 pm UTC
The preview files for this product look really rough and unpolished. I am assuming that the actual file retains the appearance of the actual physical book in terms of colour and illustrations?
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Brian S August 24, 2020 3:51 am UTC
I was thinking of buying a copy of POD, but was sad not to see a color hardback. Did anyone bought the B&W hardback? Any pics of what it looks like?
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andrew R July 26, 2019 10:32 pm UTC
Searched for Changeling the lost, found this and bought this. Then found out 2nd edition is out. Very disappointed. I am not sure why the most updated version would not be the first hit.
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Gabriela M July 12, 2020 3:57 pm UTC
Because 1st edition is a cult classic and better than the second edition. You made the right choice, most people are still playing this edition
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Brian S August 24, 2020 3:50 am UTC
Yep! what he said.
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Sara R November 16, 2020 7:45 pm UTC
I disagree 2nd Edition is much better in my opinion
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Marcelino S July 04, 2018 1:42 am UTC
Is the 2nd ed book updated yet? If I buy this will I get the 2nd ed in a update or do I have to buy it again. We are making characters and they are all vamps and werewolves?
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Andrew R May 20, 2017 5:13 am UTC
Is this the first edition book, or is the second edition?
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Gary S June 19, 2017 5:31 pm UTC
1st edition 2nd print. 2nd Edition coming soon.
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Justin N November 21, 2016 3:13 pm UTC
Do you need the core World of Darkness book to play?
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Tom B December 11, 2016 6:57 pm UTC
Yes Core WoD is needed for bace rules.
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P. B December 30, 2013 10:19 pm UTC
Just out of curiosity, would there be any chance of this offered as 'premium' quality colour? I'd be happy to pay more for it...
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Rowan B June 10, 2014 9:22 pm UTC
Wondering the same thing here.
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90.63 MB
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Imagen escaneada
Estos productos se crearon escaneando una edición original impresa. La mayoría de los libros más antiguos están en este formato de imagen escaneada, ya sea porque nunca tuvieron un archivo original de diseño digital o porque el editor ya no lo tiene disponible.

Para crear las ediciones de descarga en PDF, cada página se ha procesado con un software de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR) para tratar de descifrar el texto impreso. El resultado se coloca de forma invisible debajo de la imagen de cada página escaneada para permitir búsquedas de texto. Sin embargo, es muy probable que los textos de libros que estén impresos sobre un fondo gráfico o en fuentes escritas a mano no sean reconocidos por el software OCR y, por tanto, no formen parte de los resultados de las búsquedas. Además, algunos libros más grandes pueden ser reorganizados para que se adapten al sistema y puede que no tengan ese fondo que permite búsquedas.

Para los libros impresos, hemos realizado escaneos de alta resolución de una copia física original del libro. Esencialmente, hemos remasterizado digitalmente el libro. Por desgracia, la calidad resultante en tales libros no es tan alta. Es el problema que tiene hacer una copia de una copia. El texto se puede leer, pero las ilustraciones empiezan a verse oscuras, pixeladas o carentes de tonos de gris. Las fotos pueden desarrollar patrones moiré. Especificamos claramente qué títulos impresos provienen de imágenes escaneadas de libros, para que puedas realizar una decisión de compra informada acerca de la calidad de lo que vas a recibir.
Formato original electrónico
Estos ebooks fueron creados a partir de los archivos originales de diseño digital y, por tanto, se pueden realizar búsquedas en todo su texto. Además, el tamaño de archivo tiende a ser más pequeño que el de los libros de imágenes escaneadas. LA mayoría de los libros más nuevos están en este formato. Tanto las versiones para descarga como para impresión de estos libros deberían tener una gran calidad.
File Last Updated:
May 04, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde August 16, 2007.