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D20 Modern Futuristic Power Armor [BUNDLE]

D20 Modern Futuristic Power Armor [BUNDLE]

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This special bundle product contains the following titles.

2562-thumb140.jpgWeapons of Power Armor Destruction (D20 Future)
Regular price: $2.29
Bundle price:
With the advent of more and more Japanese anime and manga influences on the American pop cultures, in particular science fiction, it was only a matter of time until this would also develop into and effects RPGs and gaming in general. With this influence, the conception and development of the mecha rules of D20 Future were created. Now while many think of the term, mecha, being only large battle suits that tower over skyscrapers and office buildings and size is equal to several city blocks, smaller armored suit of high technology battle armor; similar to what Iron Man and War Machine of Marvel Comics and even the Cyclone Armor from Robotech: The New Generation wear; normal called Power Armor was an oversight in the creation of these rules. This supplement and sourcebooks was created with t...

11893-thumb140.jpgWeapons of Power Armor Destruction 2 (D20 Future)
Regular price: $2.29
Bundle price:
This sourcebook PDF is an continuation of the first Weapons of Power Armor Destruction. We have added all kinds of new Power Armor superstructures, Power Armor weapons and all kinds of new and interesting things that can be used in your game. Included in this PDF: Living Metal (PL 8) Liquid Metal Coating (PL 8) Active Denial System (PL 6) Energy Absorption Plating (PL 7) Encephalon Beam (PL 7) Sticky Foam Cannon (PL 6) Exo-Unit Gauntlets (PL 6) Plus 7 more enhancements for your Power Armor! This product is also available as a softcover bookshelf edition direct from Louis Porter Jr. Design's Website....

11902-thumb140.jpgWeapons of Power Armor Destruction 3 (D20 Future)
Regular price: $2.29
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
This sourcebook PDF is an additional continuation of the first two, Weapons of Power Armor Destruction and Weapons of Power Armor Destruction 2. We have added all kinds of new power armor superstructures, power armor weapons and all kind of new and interesting things that can be used in your local neighborhood game. Included in this PDF are such add ons as: Assault Drones Adaptive Logic Combat Guidance System Automatic Collision Avoidance Program Kinetic Shroud Nanite Electromagnetic Pulse Cannon Nanite Reprogramming System Neural Sensory Web Remote Shutdown System Psionic Wave Generator Teleport Inhibitor Telepresence Neural Net Plus another additional 7 more interesting and unique weapons and equipment to use on your power armor. This product is also available as a softcover bookshelf...

11903-thumb140.jpgWeapons of Power Armor Destruction 4 (D20 Future)
Regular price: $2.29
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
This sourcebook PDF is an additional continuation of the first three, Weapons of Power Armor Destruction, Weapons of Power Armor Destruction 2 and Weapons of Power Armor Destruction 3. We have added all kinds of new power armor superstructures, power armor weapons and all kind of new and interesting things that can be used in your local neighborhood game. Included in this PDF are such add ons as: Skin Suits (PL 6) Smart Light Power Armor (PL 8+) Chaotic Mineral Array (PL 7) Inertial Winder Power Core (PL 8) Kirllian Aura Tap Power Core (PL 7) Chaff Launchers (PL 5) Point Defense Lasers (PL 7) Chronal Punch Gauntlets (PL 8) Firefog Dispenser (PL 7) Omni-Weapon Skin (PL 8) Warp Channel Weaponry (PL 8) Tailgunner Suit Brain (PL 6) Plus another additional 20 more interesting and unique weapo...

11904-thumb140.jpgWeapons of Power Armor Destruction 5 (D20 Future)
Regular price: $2.29
Bundle price:
 Watermarked PDF
This sourcebook PDF is an additional continuation of the first four, Weapons of Power Armor Destruction, Weapons of Power Armor Destruction 2, Weapons of Power Armor Destruction 3 and Weapons of Power Armor Destruction 4. We have added all kinds of new power armor superstructures, power armor weapons and all kind of new and interesting things that can be used in your local neighborhood game. Included in this PDF are such add ons as: Mag-lev Skimmer (PL 6) Trans Atmospheric Flight Range (PL 8) Spatial Mortar (PL 8) Electromagnetic Neural Mapping (PL 7) Endoskeleton (PL 6) Second Chance Foam (PL 6) Self Replicating Ammunition (PL 8) Psi-Disruptive Plating (PL 7) Plus another additional 10 more interesting and unique weapons and equipment to use on your power armor. This product is also av...

Total value:$11.45
Special bundle price:$9.99
Savings of:$1.46 (13%)


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Estos productos se crearon escaneando una edición original impresa. La mayoría de los libros más antiguos están en este formato de imagen escaneada, ya sea porque nunca tuvieron un archivo original de diseño digital o porque el editor ya no lo tiene disponible.

Para crear las ediciones de descarga en PDF, cada página se ha procesado con un software de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR) para tratar de descifrar el texto impreso. El resultado se coloca de forma invisible debajo de la imagen de cada página escaneada para permitir búsquedas de texto. Sin embargo, es muy probable que los textos de libros que estén impresos sobre un fondo gráfico o en fuentes escritas a mano no sean reconocidos por el software OCR y, por tanto, no formen parte de los resultados de las búsquedas. Además, algunos libros más grandes pueden ser reorganizados para que se adapten al sistema y puede que no tengan ese fondo que permite búsquedas.

Para los libros impresos, hemos realizado escaneos de alta resolución de una copia física original del libro. Esencialmente, hemos remasterizado digitalmente el libro. Por desgracia, la calidad resultante en tales libros no es tan alta. Es el problema que tiene hacer una copia de una copia. El texto se puede leer, pero las ilustraciones empiezan a verse oscuras, pixeladas o carentes de tonos de gris. Las fotos pueden desarrollar patrones moiré. Especificamos claramente qué títulos impresos provienen de imágenes escaneadas de libros, para que puedas realizar una decisión de compra informada acerca de la calidad de lo que vas a recibir.
Formato original electrónico
Estos ebooks fueron creados a partir de los archivos originales de diseño digital y, por tanto, se pueden realizar búsquedas en todo su texto. Además, el tamaño de archivo tiende a ser más pequeño que el de los libros de imágenes escaneadas. LA mayoría de los libros más nuevos están en este formato. Tanto las versiones para descarga como para impresión de estos libros deberían tener una gran calidad.
File Last Updated:
November 01, 2006
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde November 01, 2006.