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Classroom Deathmatch

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Kidnapped by the government and transported to a mysterious Battleground, 50 Japanese high school Students are forced to fight to the death in the brutal televised contest called Classroom Deathmatch!

From the creators of Panty Explosion comes a viscously ingenious roleplaying game that asks tough questions and forces players to make difficult choices. A game of trust, friendship, murder and betrayal. Welcome to Classroom Deathmatch!

In Classroom Deathmatch you and your friends take the roles of Japanese high school students. Your entire class of 50 Students has been kidnapped by the Japanese government and will be forced to participate in the deadly televised contest called Classroom Deathmatch. The contest will be brutal and unforgiving, and unless you can figure out how to outsmart the government you will be forced to do battle against your friends until only one of you is left alive. As a group you’ll tell the story of your Students five-day ordeal in the Classroom Deathmatch. Most of you will die horrible and gruesome deaths at the hands of your closest friends, but if you are smart and lucky you may just find a way to outwit your captors and survive!

Classroom Deathmatch is 106 pages of complete awesomeness! Inside you'll find:

-A self contained game for 4 or more players. You do not need a copy of Panty Explosion to play this game!

-50 pre-made characters! An entire class of students ready to do battle!

-New rules for Flashback Scenes, Sorrow Dice, collecting Kills, using Special Tecniques and more! Classroom Deathmatch takes the Panty Explosion rules engine and improves on it with expanded sections for scene creation and conflict resolution!

-3 detailed Battlegrounds, complete with maps! Also includes rules for creating your own Battleground!

-A full list of 100 unique weapons! Everything from guns and knives to chainsaws and power drills!

- Guidelines for using Panty Explosion's psychic powers and demons in Classroom Deathmatch!

-Over 20 new illustrations!

If you liked Panty Explosion you'll love Classroom Deathmatch! If you never tried Panty Explosion because you hated the name, you will love Classroom Deathmatch!

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Nicholas P February 22, 2016 1:00 am UTC
I recently purchased a print copy of the game book and can't seem to find the characters sheets anywhere online. Any advise on where to find them outside of having to buy them here?
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Piers N April 22, 2019 8:58 am UTC
I've had this problem too. I've reported the game, seeing as there's no way of generating characters. I've written:

"The game relies on pregenerated characters that are not included with the game. The website listed in the game description where you can supposedly download them from is no longer in use. Therefore the product description is wrong, yielding the game unplayable."

I hope the sale of this game is suspended until this problem is resolved.
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Dustin C May 01, 2020 2:17 am UTC
Originally, the game did not come with any premades at all; you were supposed to use character creation rules to make all 50 students, and the 50 premades were on their website. There were also rules for converting characters from Panty Explosion to Classroom Deathmatch, including going over the fact that psychic schoolgirls were now the most dangerous thing in the game.

When Panty Explosion Perfect (later Tokyo Brainpop) came out, they removed the rules for character creation, and obviously forgot to include the premades from the website, which has been taken down for violating wordpress guidelines.
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File Last Updated:
April 16, 2007
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 17, 2007.