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Medieval Dining Hall

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Medieval Dining Hall

DramaScape Fantasy Volume 88

This Product is a 30 x 48 inch, full color battlemap of a Medieval Dining Hall.

The Product comes with Square, Hex and No Overlay and the Virtual Tabletop Map (VTT).

“A toast to the heroes that slew the mighty giant Jlambar who terrorized my dukedom!”—Duke Tantegel

 Medieval Dining Hall features an interior map of a dining hall in the center of an exterior map of a rocky plateau. The rocky ground is partially obscured by patches of grass (or perhaps moss). The stone building itself is on a higher elevation. Stone slabs stacked on top of each other form a staircase that ascends to the western open entrance. The center of the dining hall has a hearth surrounded by tables and benches. A set of stairs in the east ascend to a raised dais with the manor lord’s table on top. This table has three chairs with the lord’s banner behind them on the east wall. The lord’s best hunting trophies are mounted above the banners.

 Medieval Dining Hall is intended for use in fantasy or medieval era games.

 Adventure hook for use with this map:

 Heroes’ Feast: Duke Tantegel has invited the group to a massive feast in his dining hall. They have recently slain the giant Jlambar who had intimidated serf farmers into giving him crops and raided the farmers who refused to give into his extortion. His raids usually ended with farms razed to the ground after stealing all the crops. He was hated by the Duke’s serfs who demanded he do something to stop the giant. In the eyes of the people, the Duke did nothing, although he did send some of his best men to try and kill the giant. However, they were all beheaded by the giant’s massive curved falchion.

The group has gained fame by slaying the giant. The Duke fears their rising popularity and a revolt by his serfs to overthrow him. So he has planned to weaken them through drink at the feast for his knights to slaughter them later in the night. Can the group survive the treacherous Duke’s ambush and escape?

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Estos ebooks fueron creados a partir de los archivos originales de diseño digital y, por tanto, se pueden realizar búsquedas en todo su texto. Además, el tamaño de archivo tiende a ser más pequeño que el de los libros de imágenes escaneadas. LA mayoría de los libros más nuevos están en este formato. Tanto las versiones para descarga como para impresión de estos libros deberían tener una gran calidad.
File Last Updated:
October 08, 2017
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde October 08, 2017.