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Adventures in The Construction Paper Kingdom Presents "Scourge of The Goblyn Flu"Click to magnify
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Adventures in The Construction Paper Kingdom Presents "Scourge of The Goblyn Flu"

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The Scourge of The Goblyn Flu is a classic “Easter Egg Hunt” epic adventure written by Ryan M. Ross and produced by Adventures in The Construction Paper Kingdom for use under the Hero Kids Compatibility License.

Join our group of brave heroes as they explore lands of high adventure, seeking out the only thing that can cure their village - and preventing its utter destruction at the claws of the vile swamp goblyns and their cunning chieftain!

The village of Evaarware is in dire trouble! All of the adults have come down with a terrible sickness. There is hope in creating an antidote, but the path to claim the ingredients is a deadly one.

It’s a good thing that the children of Evaarware are hero kids!

Laughing in the face of danger, they quest for a cure for their families and neighbors! While the journey to gather the items needed to cure their village will put them in peril, there is an even greater danger awaiting them.

The goblyns of the western swamps - under their new chief, Slicktongue Mudpuddle - are responsible for the sickness in Evaarware. Under the dark of night, they poisoned the drinking wells of the town! As we speak they lie in wait for the strong and bold men and women of the village to fall terribly ill. They gather their numbers in preparation to strike and destroy the village and all those good people who would call it home!

Time is of the essence as you and your hero companions set out. You will face hardships and dangers such as deadly creatures not limited to those who call this world their home. Trolls and goblyns, hidden horrors and the undead - these are just a few of the many dangers that await the heroes on their journey.

Will the brave children of Evaarware have what it takes, or will all fall to the scourge of the goblyn flu?

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Jürgen F July 11, 2017 6:39 am UTC
This is great but I wish there was a printer-friendly version
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High Adventure P July 31, 2017 1:54 pm UTC
Thank you for your kind remarks! We will take your suggestion seriously. Maybe we CAN look to adding a black and white outline version to help save on the ink. Thanks again for the feedback and take care!
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File Last Updated:
April 07, 2020
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde February 10, 2017.