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Chamber+Circle is a roleplaying game, where you take on the parts of Witches: highly armed, highly competent women with supernatural powers, enchanted weapons, magical vehicles, and a whole lot of ass to kick.

Chamber+Circle is suited specifically for stories of action, suspense, mystery, intrigue, and of course, more action. Use it to build up and explore a pulpy, shadowy world of many dangers, and then tear it all down and rebuild it from the inside. Use it to play out the messy, complicated, and heavily-charged relationships of your Witches, with rules that let you go from the start of a scene to the whole messy shootout at the end in a single session.

Chamber+Circle uses very lightweight rules and quick character creation. It focuses on quick, decisive resolution to encounters and actions, with a flexible and robust framework for handling crazy, fast-paced, fanservice-y action against anything from gibbering eldritch spawns, to malevolent ghosts, to cybernetic soldiers, or even some wild combination of all three. If you've played the author's other game Succession, or read the free supplement Book of Sand, you'll find these rules very familiar, while accomplishing very different effects.

Chamber+Circle is collaborative. All players share the responsibilities normally belonging to a traditional GM as well as being players of a single character each. Specifically, each player is also the GM for one other player, adjudicating the game's rules for that player and taking their own turns in sequence. The bulk of the book is advice for how your group might efficiently and effectively share this responsibility while keeping everyone entertained and engaged.

Chamber+Circle is designed as an 'oracle game'. It has no defined setting or setpieces, and there are no defined rules for magic or the supernatural. Your group will, through the course of play, establish all the details, rules, and facts of their setting and all its many strange quirks. The rules will provide you with a framework, and some ideas and Proper Nouns, to fill in the blanks when they come up.

Chamber+Circle generally assumes fairly short games: 6-8 sessions of about 4 hours each. You're free to extend your games beyond this limit, of course, but the rules aren't built for numerical character advancement, and are instead focused on immediate action and a 'pick up and play' tone and feel, both for the rules, and for the story itself.

Who cares how many eyes it has?  If it looks at you like that, punch them out.

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File Last Updated:
December 25, 2018
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde October 10, 2016.