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Black & White 3 Page BackgroundClick to magnify

Black & White 3 Page Background

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Black & White 3 Page Background

This pack includes a 300 dpi 2550 X 3300 pixel image that comes with both a jpeg and tiff file. See Licensing


  • This Agreement controls the licensing relationship between the Seller and the Buyer of Content made available Through One Bookshelf (OBS) family of Web sites (RPGNow, DriveThruRPG, etc).
  • This License is for personal and commercial use only as defined in this Agreement.
  • Buyer and Seller acknowledge that this Agreement is made subject to the Terms and Conditions for the Premium Content Platform.
  1. The Knotty-Works who made files available on the OBS Platform (the "Platform") is the "Seller" and the purchasing on the OBS who obtains a download of the files through the Platform is the "Buyer." The file or files made available by the Seller for download and the various elements of the content in those files are referred to as the "Content." The act of obtaining the file(s) from the Platform is referred to as the "Download."
  2. The Content is the original work of the Seller and/or Seller has all rights necessary to license the Content to Buyer as indicated in this Agreement. No other person or company has any right to control the Content.
  3. Seller grants to Buyer a non-exclusive and perpetual license to use the Content as follows:
    1. The Buyer has the right to use the image(s) for personal uses such as a public or private display in which no fee is charged for viewing the image(s) in particular; reproduction in copies for personal use; personal stationary; use on a personal website or as part of a personal website or gaming account; and, any other use of the image(s) by the Buyer for which no payment is made for use or transfer of the image(s) themselves.
    2. Commercial Use Limitations and Guidelines:
      • The images may be used for individual print or electronic commerical documents.
      • Images may be altered to fit any layout or graphic needs required for the Buyer's product.
      • Images may be used for a maximum of 10 multiple products before additional images must be purchased. There is no limitation in regards to the number of products produced containing the images.
    • The Buyer must provide attribution (that is, credit) to the Seller (The Knotty-Works) regarding use of the image(s) within the Buyer's product in a location that is accessible and plainly visible to the end user. This is not required for Personal use of the Images.
    • The Buyer does NOT have the right to repackage or reproduce the images for other products used for reselling or republication.
  4. Seller retains and reserves all other rights to the Content under copyright, trademark or other intellectual or commercial laws and the Buyer acknowledges that Seller is the owner of the Content. Seller warrants and represents to the Buyer that Seller is the true owner of the Content and that there will be no interference by any third party making any other claim of ownership or control of the Content.
  5. Buyer may not sub-license or assign any rights acquired under this Agreement except as specified in paragraph 3, above.
  6. Buyer may never resell any file obtained with the Download.
  7. Seller and Buyer agree that by using this Agreement form and by acknowledging its use at the time of the Download the transaction record for the Download will be the equivalent of their respective electronic signatures.

Pathfinder Compatible Products ; PP-Category.png ; category19070.jpg ; Bundles-Category.png ; Backgrounds-Category.png ; Background-Singles-Category.png ; PA-Categories.png

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Kai P January 12, 2019 9:22 am UTC
Hello Knotty-Works!

I would like to use this page background of yours as the background for new "buttons" in my shop page (for my different categories). As I plan to use it for up to 10 buttons, would you be fine with me a) doing so if b) I buy the license one more time (which usually allows the use in 10 different releases. I am happy to treat every button as a different release :) )
Customer avatar
January 12, 2019 11:53 am UTC
If you are just going to use it for buttons on the drive thru site, I am fine with just one purchase. Appreciate the business :). Though if you want to give me more money I am fine with that too.
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Imagen escaneada
Estos productos se crearon escaneando una edición original impresa. La mayoría de los libros más antiguos están en este formato de imagen escaneada, ya sea porque nunca tuvieron un archivo original de diseño digital o porque el editor ya no lo tiene disponible.

Para crear las ediciones de descarga en PDF, cada página se ha procesado con un software de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR) para tratar de descifrar el texto impreso. El resultado se coloca de forma invisible debajo de la imagen de cada página escaneada para permitir búsquedas de texto. Sin embargo, es muy probable que los textos de libros que estén impresos sobre un fondo gráfico o en fuentes escritas a mano no sean reconocidos por el software OCR y, por tanto, no formen parte de los resultados de las búsquedas. Además, algunos libros más grandes pueden ser reorganizados para que se adapten al sistema y puede que no tengan ese fondo que permite búsquedas.

Para los libros impresos, hemos realizado escaneos de alta resolución de una copia física original del libro. Esencialmente, hemos remasterizado digitalmente el libro. Por desgracia, la calidad resultante en tales libros no es tan alta. Es el problema que tiene hacer una copia de una copia. El texto se puede leer, pero las ilustraciones empiezan a verse oscuras, pixeladas o carentes de tonos de gris. Las fotos pueden desarrollar patrones moiré. Especificamos claramente qué títulos impresos provienen de imágenes escaneadas de libros, para que puedas realizar una decisión de compra informada acerca de la calidad de lo que vas a recibir.
Formato original electrónico
Estos ebooks fueron creados a partir de los archivos originales de diseño digital y, por tanto, se pueden realizar búsquedas en todo su texto. Además, el tamaño de archivo tiende a ser más pequeño que el de los libros de imágenes escaneadas. LA mayoría de los libros más nuevos están en este formato. Tanto las versiones para descarga como para impresión de estos libros deberían tener una gran calidad.
File Last Updated:
July 16, 2016
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde July 16, 2016.