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Delta Green: Briefing Documents

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UPDATED AND REVISED! This eight-page reference document adds resources to orient new Agents of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game: typical professions, tables to generate agent motivations, tables to generate the horrifying incursion that brought a new agent in, tradecraft tips, a summary of personal pursuits in home scenes, and a home scene worksheet.

Find a quickstart guide in Delta Green: Need to Know, and the complete rules in Delta Green: Agent's Handbook.

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Steve L June 19, 2023 5:28 pm UTC
This is the SECOND Delta Green item that can't be added to the cart.

Is there an issue with the item, or an issue with the publisher?
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Benjamin S July 23, 2021 11:59 am UTC
In the preview you can see a whole page of MOTIVATIONS which I cannot find in the final pdf.

Otherwise a great ressource for player new to the DG world.
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Christopher D June 11, 2021 9:00 pm UTC
I love the new cover, but is there a time at which you guys are going to update it to be included in the PDF?
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Infinity . April 30, 2021 12:05 am UTC
I just checked this, and it seems that it isn't fully-updated to the 3rd printing. Notable to me, the Skill Improvement on the Character Sheet and the consequences of many Home Pursuits seem incorrect. Will this see an update soon?
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Infinity . May 07, 2021 2:15 am UTC
Ignore that comment. For some reason, I seemed to have been viewing the incorrect file.
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Damian B February 15, 2021 9:56 pm UTC
Great handout and my players love it. It condenses the rules to a meaningful and useful summary. I'm hoping they'll update them soon with the latest errata announced on 14 February 2021.
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Damian B February 16, 2021 4:56 am UTC
I got the updated one and noticed there are less pages than the original. Also, the page numbers don’t quite jive.
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Eric B May 29, 2016 9:50 pm UTC
The Home section hasn't been updated to the final version of the rules. It is missing several options (Back to Nature, Special Training, Stay on the Case, Personal Motivation) and still has you rolling for Bond loss from doing anything but Fulfill Responsibilities (in the final version, the loss is automatic).
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Shane I June 01, 2016 3:41 am UTC
Thanks for the heads up. I just corrected the document.
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James L October 09, 2017 7:38 pm UTC
Are these finalized rules in the Agent's Handbook pdf? I only ask as your comment is from May 2016 and the Agent's Handbook was added/last updated in April 2016.
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Georg S May 22, 2021 10:25 am UTC
Also the character sheet is still the old one.

Weird is also that in the DriveThruRPG app is shown in the filename that the file is from March 2017.
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File Last Updated:
February 10, 2021
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde May 27, 2016.