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SKIRMISH TILES, Castle System: upper levelClick to magnify

SKIRMISH TILES, Castle System: upper level

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WARNING: The Castle System Designer will only work with Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6 and 7. You will be able to see and print tiles with higher versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader

SKIRMISH TILES, Castle System is not a simple tile system. Obviously, you get a bunch of extremely cool tiles you can use alone or with other SKIRMISH TILES products, but there are a couple of things that take this product out of the ordinary. First, you can assemble the castle tiles in many different ways, so you can have each time a different castle to play on. Second, the process of arranging the tiles in a castle and printing them is handled entirely through this extraordinary pdf product. That is: you can easily design your castle by adding the tiles you wish, where you wish on the battle grid with few mouse clicks. Once you have on screen the desired layout you can hit a button and your printer will print only the tiles you need for that layout; awesome. Moreover, if your castle is too complex you can even print a single sheet with the position of each tile on the battle grid. With the castle system designer utility you can compose a castle up to 5,3 x 6,6 feet!
With this accessory you can build the upper level of a whole castle. The Castle System series allow you to build a castle from the upper level to the ground floor. Moreover, in this and future products, you get many ?alternative? tiles you can use to further customize your castle (a tower destroyed, a drawbridge raised and so on). On the game table you can mix the various level of the castle allowing your miniatures to go ?up? and ?down? simply by substituting a tile with the matching tile on the other level. You can use the castle even for you RPG, if you desire it could be the keep infested by goblins or the stronghold of a king, your imagination is the limit. This product contains 25 gorgeous tiles.

"I know of three really good cartographers in the d20 world, three sure-fire award nominees. There's Ed Bourelle, who often appears of Mystic Eye Games products, Brian K. Moseley of Darkfuries who appears on this Mystic Eye Games product and the artists of 0one ."

"These are really fabulous maps, by far the best in the d20 business."

"These maps are simply gorgeous"

"We are now beginning to see truly innovative uses of computer technology within role-playing product, but this one stands head and shoulders above the rest for being both technologically advanced and genuinely useful!" (Customizable Battlemaps)

"Overall this is a product [Customizable Battlemaps] in a new realm and in a class of its own. That is for now. In the heated tile product niche market Øone Games just took a huge lead and other companies are going to have to get really creative to outshine them."

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Megan R. [Crítico destacado]
May 5th, 2009
This is a simple, elegant and very powerful system for castle design. When you open the PDF (you'll need Acrobat Reader v.6 for this), the first thing you'll see is an explanation of how the system works and an overview of all the tiles in this set. Th [...]
July 18th, 2004
Finally a castle layout tile set that makes it easy to set up a castle in any shape desired. Too bad it isn't 3D. [...]
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File Last Updated:
June 16, 2004
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde June 16, 2004.