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No Thank You, Evil!

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A tabletop game of make-believe, adventure, and storytelling for creative kids and their families!

Olivia is a Super Smart Princess who Experiments with Science. Rowan is a Cool Robot who Loves Ooey Gooey Things. Their best friend tells them that a dragon has stolen all his chocolate coins. They’re the only ones who can enter Storia and save the chocolate—how will they do it? It’s all up to them!


No Thank You, Evil! is a tabletop game of creative make-believe, adventure, and storytelling. In No Thank You, Evil!, you create a character based on a couple of cool, descriptive, imagination-firing traits. The Guide (a special role often played by a parent or older sibling) presents a dilemma, and the players set off on an adventure of the imagination. Along the way you use your character’s special skills, companions, and equipment to overcome obstacles. Maybe you’ll rescue a friend from Dragonsnot Falls, save the world’s biggest adventure park from an ancient curse, or fix Whizbang’s broken time machine before it’s too late! Whatever you choose, you’re sure to solve mysteries, gain friends, confront bad guys, and have a wild adventure!

NTYE-35 Tiffany Turrill

Scalable rules adapt easily to the abilities and interests of kids from five on up, so everyone can play together. How will your adventure play out? Your options are limited only by your creativity. Together, you and the other players create a story as you work together to make your way through the adventure!

Have a look at what’s inside the game with this unboxing video. Your PDF version contains files for all the components shown (except the dice, but a regular d6 is just fine!) in printer-friendly format.

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Nome C November 22, 2022 1:27 pm UTC
Can you please share the print format expected for the cards (contained in the pdf file)?

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Michael F May 24, 2020 2:55 am UTC
We were playing Candyland and turned it into a No Thank you Evil! Game. Candy Land as an RPG Map. My Kid thought it was great.
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Sean F July 26, 2020 6:42 am UTC
Would LOVe to know how? Ladders are opportunities? Slides are dangers/monsters?
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Ben C September 11, 2022 3:03 am UTC
I know this is late but the game you are talking about is Snakes and Ladders.
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Kevin M August 26, 2019 2:38 pm UTC
Is this something I could adapt to a classroom of 18-25 kids??
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John A June 01, 2018 9:42 pm UTC
I absolutely love the thought behind NTYE. My father ran D&D for starting at only 5 years old, which I loved, but having a game more specifically geared for children is wonderful! I can't imagine a better way to bond wit my own children than through a creative role playing game we both can enjoy, and NTYE is just that.
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michael K June 01, 2018 6:15 am UTC
I have been following the new kickstarter for the reprint and love this game. Such a neat way to get your kids into RPGs. The Cypher system can be run by smaller kids (my 10 year old is running her sister and I in Unmasked) but this version makes it even easier. Very cool!
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File Last Updated:
June 22, 2021
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 15, 2016.