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The Dragon's Gate (M&M, HERO, Action!)Click to magnify

The Dragon's Gate (M&M, HERO, Action!)

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Delve into the mysterious world of San Angelo's Chinatown neighborhood in this critically acclaimed supplement to San Angelo: City of Heroes 1.5

The Dragon's Gate features a detailed description of the neighborhood, numerous businesses and personalities, both beneficial and dark.

Includes numerous NPCs, a map of Chinatown, adventure seeds, and an in-depth timeline of San Angelo's Chinatown!

Plus, the book contains character write-ups for some of the most popular superhero RPG systems around! Includes stats for HERO System, M&M Superlink and Action! System!

134 pages! Why pay $5.00 for a 32-page PDF when you can get a full-length, 128-page sourcebook for less than $10.00!

The electronic (e-book) version also includes

  • full-color front and back covers!
  • a large (four-page!) hi-resolution version of the Chinatown map!
  • Hyperlinked Table of Contents!
  • Bookmarks!
Check out these other Action! System products!
Action! System Core Rules San Angelo: City of Heroes 1.5 A Hostile World

Read what others are saying about The Dragon's Gate!

5 out of 5, Superb! "the depth and level of detail provided on the setting itself is outstanding."

"The amount of information in this book is staggering. I don't know how they put that much stuff on 128 pages and kept it easy to read and visually interesting."

"...what system couldn't use a Big Trouble in Little China session or two?"

"...the number of ideas and bits that could be adapted by a GM to his personal campaign is enormous..."
--Hero Games Forum

4 out of 5! " does what it claims to do - presents a living, breathing cityscape that can be incorporated into almost any existing city campaign. There is a lot of gold buried between the covers..."

5 out of 5! "I would recommend this source book for anyone wanting to run games in Chinatown, even if they do not play Hero 5th Edition or other Superhero games."

"Dragon's Gate is a perfect sourcebook for fast action, John Woo style games. Dragon's Gate manages to retain the charm and versatility of the original sourcebook."
--Theala Sildorian

You can also buy a printed edition of this book!

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Opiniones (3)
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April 28th, 2004
Highly detailed, with a bevy of well-realized NPCs and groups. The "Chinatown" here is a living place, far more than just stats and descriptions; there are potential plots and conflicts everywhere, and plenty of ways for your characters to ge [...]
March 4th, 2004
WOW! This (along with San Angelo) is by far one of the best settings I have ever seen. Rich detail, interesting characters, multi game system stats... This one is worth every penny! [...]
February 8th, 2004
The Dragon's Gate details the Chinatown district of San Angelo. And when they say "details" they mean details - this book is about two thirds the size of the original San Angelo, but it feels like GRG have crammed even more into it. [...]
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File Last Updated:
January 29, 2004
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde January 29, 2004.