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Apocalypse Metropolis: Part 1 City LimitsClick to magnify

Apocalypse Metropolis: Part 1 City Limits

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War...War always stays the same.

Apocalypse Metropolis is a horror/post-apocalyptic battlemap and tokens series, featuring hundreds and hundreds of JPGs and PNGs for you to build your own sandbox sprawling urban wastelands--including many ready to play maps. 

Part 1 City Limits contains base elements focused on the inner city, and its savage inhabitants. With this you will be able to construct your city's detailed exterior and interior and provides around 100 character and NPC tokens. If you enjoy the content here, be sure to check out:

Part 2 Roads to Nowhere - Featuring Highways, Sewers, Subways, and Winter Elements


Part 3 Fun and Games - Featuring an Abandoned Baseball Stadium, Amusement Park, Fun House, Hotel, and Casino


Part 4 Shells of the Old World - Featuring a Massive Underground Vault, Suburban Wasteland, and an Airport with Commercial Airliners


Any comments or questions? Email me at or follow me on twitter @jonny_nothing

418 total assets included:


116 Items PNG/JPG - Sandbox City Design Pack with varied streets, overgrowth, buildings, ruins, vehicles, and urban elements.


195 Items PNG/JPG - Sandbox Interior pack, with 24 room layouts, dozens of walls and floor textures, and plenty of furniture and decor elements.


54 Items PNG - A variety of bipedal horror theme character tokens.


53 Items PNG - Mutant beast tokens. Tons of different species.

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GARY L July 01, 2021 4:01 pm UTC
Wow, this is great! I'll be buying more.
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James L June 06, 2021 5:29 pm UTC
Dude.. this is the most amazing post-apoc set I've run across so far. I mean.. wow. You need to make more of these sets. Maybe a set that's mroe brown and dirty than green. A set that's blown over with sand drifting? I dunno, but wow.

I do prefer the people tokens to be top-down, not 3/4 view.. but it doesn't spoil the effect if you don't let the players pick those as character tokens.

The creatures tho. I mean.. most of them aren't even pretending to be top=down. That's OK. We can use those as portrait images. Come to think of it, you could use portarit images for your people tokens as well.. it's not like we're going to be able find anything THAT distinctive. However, for the animals to be usable in VTT or a top-down map, they need to be at LEAST 3/4 view.

Do you have another set with top-down creature tokens, or is this all there is?

Could you share your textures you use to dirty up the animals so that I can find my own top down tokens and make them fit...See more
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Alexander H March 30, 2020 8:35 pm UTC
Hello! Are the issues previous buyers have reported fixed? Specifically the naming issues. Regards, Alex
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Nicky G May 17, 2020 8:27 pm UTC
I am working on fixing the naming issues across all my products, will have it resolved within the next few days. Apologies for taking so long to address it.
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File Last Updated:
May 18, 2020
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde November 09, 2017.
Información de la editorial
Nicky G
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