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Microlite81 Extended

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Microlite81 Extended is based on the Basic and Expert boxed sets of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game published in 1981 and includes everything in the standard version of Microlite81with the author’s house rules from the 1977-1983 era modified as needed to work with a system based on B/X.

Microlite81 Extended includes everything one needs to play except dice and paper. The 60 page rulebook includes:

  • Simple Character Creation Rules: Roll 4 attributes and select a class, background, and alignment.
  • Standard Classes: Fighter, Magic-User, Cleric, Thief, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling
  • Optional Classes: Assassin, Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Illusionist, Paladin, Ranger, Warlord, Dragonborn, Tiefling, and Warforged
  • Backgrounds provide a simple and fast way to factor in a character's culture and non-class-related a abilities.
  • Simple and fast-playing combat system that tracks physical damage (aka body points) separately from luck/skill/fatigue (aka hit point) damage.
  • Hit points recover with a night’s rest. Spells cost hit points to cast. Actual wounds recover more slowly.
  • Rules for hirelings, monster reactions (not every monster wants to fight), morale (not every monster fights to the death), strongholds, magic research, and more.
  • Optional rules for advantages and disadvantages, character goals and personality traits, fire-and-forget magic, traditional saving throws, psionics, divine intervention, and more
  • A complete list of spells and monsters.
  • Compatible with most other B/X or BECMI based games and adventures

The Microlite81 rules are not intended to be a clone of the B/X rules, but rather a conversion of them to a rules-lite D20-based system that encourages old-school play without strictly old-school rules. These rules assume that the GM understands the basic concepts of roleplaying games, but provides information for both the GM and the players on the various “old school” styles of play. Microlite81 games can easily use adventures and material from B/X and other early editions of the world’s most popular tabletop fantasy roleplaying game or modern clones.

Microlite81 games are trimmed-down miniature versions of the Primary Fantasy SRD rules designed to be quick and easy to play, especially when compared to modern incarnations of the game. Just as the goal of our Microlite74 games is to recreate the style and feel of "0e", the goal of Microlite81 games is to recreate the style and feel of the “B/X” edition of the world’s first fantasy roleplaying game published back in 1981 without giving up all of the clearer mechanics of modern D20-based versions.

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Craig W March 01, 2022 11:22 pm UTC
Another question:
What is the difference between Physical Combat Bonus (PCB) and Fighter Bonus (FB) and do they stack?
For example, would a level 6 fighter roll to attack at +6 (+4 from PCB and +2 from FB)?
I notice that fighters also have a rating for MCB (as in my previous question), but they can't cast spells...
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Craig W March 01, 2022 10:22 pm UTC
Hi. I have a question (one to start, I am sure more will follow).
I read the basic Microlite20 and then picked up this version, but I am unclear on a few things.
From what I can see, non-humans are classes unto themselves, so there are no Dwarf wizards, for example.
But if that is the case, why do Dwarves have MCB (magic combat bonus) if they can't even cast spells?
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File Last Updated:
February 16, 2016
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde February 16, 2016.
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