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Unchained Heroes Fantasy Core Rulebook

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No More Turns!

The Unchained Heroes Role-playing Game is a standalone RPG framework designed to empower you to build a high-octane game, filled with rich combat and exciting role-playing. One Core Rulebook contains everything you need to begin play, no supplements or additions are needed. If you are familiar with Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, or any of the big systems, you already have the foundation to begin. For those of you that haven’t, don't worry! You will be ready to play in no time at all. Built on F20 core mechanics, the Unchained Heroes RPG is simple to get started; grab your 20-sided dice, roll high, and see your foes fall before you.

The Unchained Heroes RPG introduces a unified system for Combat and Roleplaying with separate path trees for each, keeping everyone at the table feeling heroic.

  • Whether you are unlocking a magical door or punching a dagger through goblin chain mail, you don't need to sacrifice role playing skills for combat skills (or vice-versa). 
  • Abilities are Energy based, allowing you to perform as many special actions as you wish until your Energy is depleted; then refill it with a potion or a night's rest. 
  • Performing actions increases Tactical Points which allow you to perform amazing tweaks and spectacular feats with your hero: you want to make an instant counterattack or speed up your next action-go right ahead! 

RTC Engine Logo

The backbone of it all is the Real Time Combat Engine, giving you tactical decisions that we could not provide you with a turn-based system. At its core, the Real Time Combat Engine is a dynamic turn based system: players add up the times of their actions and the one with the lowest total score is always the next to act. This dynamic system allows you to pop a heal or sprint out of the blast radius before the "Big Bad" breaths out fire and turns you into ash.

The Unchained Heroes RPG is a big book filled with options for your style of play! Fast attacks hit lightly and often, while slow attacks hit hard and with great impact. No two characters need to be the same, two Paladins in the party, no problem! If you want to make a great protector or a vengeful crusader, the option is yours; every Class is filled with a multitude of abilities and their role-playing Talents are many and varied. In one campaign you could play the dark sorcerer with chaos powers that spoil and twist everything around them and in another you could play a flashy elementalist sorcerer. The choice is yours!

The Unchained Heroes RPG is all about options, so pull open your book and take from it as little or as much from it as you need, it's your game. Unchained Heroes empowers you.

Grab your copy of Unchained Heroes today and start playing!

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Debates (7)
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Lesley N July 05, 2022 4:19 pm UTC
Truly an interesting take on D&D. No 'turns'. It actually comes out looking like a nice change of pace.
Appears to be a one book game.
I'm unaware of any settings books, and the design doesn't need a bestiary in the usual fashion. Creatures are handled such that it is easy to make them up on the fly.
This is one of those buy the hardcover choices.
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George F April 14, 2021 9:04 pm UTC
Has this been abandoned?
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Reuben Q October 31, 2015 11:03 pm UTC
What is the difference between the standard and premium versions of the print copies?
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Kurt P November 01, 2015 8:25 pm UTC
This is best answered with some pictures. DrivethruRPG covers this pretty well, so follow the link below to see the difference. They are the same artwork and page count, just different paper and color. The most notable difference is the coloring in the Standard Version; reds will not be quite as deep and blacks will be a shade or two lighter than a Premium Color.
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vegar F April 03, 2015 1:36 pm UTC
what dice does this system use?
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Kurt P April 03, 2015 2:08 pm UTC
Hi Vegar, thanks for the question. It uses familiar d20 mechanics for action resolution, but it is not a true d20 system. There are quite a few differences. Damage and Healing rolls use Six-siders, Eight-siders, Ten-siders, and Twelve-siders.
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vegar F April 03, 2015 2:35 pm UTC
then I guess its not for me, gamblers fallacy has made me hate d20 systems.
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Kurt P April 03, 2015 2:56 pm UTC
That's unfortunate, Vegar. If you wanted to take a look at it anyway and see what it offers, you can always download the System Resource Document and see if it could overcome your gambler's fallacy feeling.
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Esmeralda B April 03, 2015 9:39 am UTC
How may pages is this?
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Kurt P April 03, 2015 2:09 pm UTC
Hi Charles, the Core Rulebook comes in at 352 pages. It contains everything that you need to play as a Player and GM.
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Joshua R April 02, 2015 9:52 pm UTC
Yeah, I can't seem to get free discount when I click the link.
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Kurt P April 02, 2015 10:03 pm UTC
Hi Josh, Can you try clicking on the Special Discount section of the link at the bottom of the email I sent out? I appears in the line:

Special price for Unchained Heroes Fantasy Core Rulebook: $0.00 (click the link to apply the discount)

Thanks for picking up Unchained Heroes again!
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George F April 02, 2015 9:30 pm UTC
Does this replace the 'Chronos: Real Time Combat System Core Rulebook' I bought last summer?
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Kurt P April 02, 2015 9:41 pm UTC
Yes it does, George. We had a trademark dispute and were forced to change the name of the game to accommodate it. I hope you got your complimentary digital copy for buying it last year. If you didn't please let me know at and I will find a way to get a digital copy into your hands. If still plays seemlessly with Chronos; RTCS. Some things were truncated and rearranged but it has the same content. Thanks for your purchase!
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George F April 03, 2015 2:17 am UTC
I received and successfully used the discount link.
I chatted with you briefly about the game at GenCon. Will you be running any demos this year?
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Kurt P April 03, 2015 2:58 am UTC
Hi George, good to hear from you again. I recall you were heading to another Con the weekend after Gen Con last year? I don't have any demos lined up right now for Gen Con as I won't be able to attend this year, but I might be running an event or two at another Con in the Midwest. I will post those things on our website as they come up. Thanks for the inquiry.
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File Last Updated:
June 09, 2015
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 02, 2015.