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Against the Dark Yogi: Mythic India Roleplaying

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High action roleplaying in a world of Indian myth!

A thousand cities with myriad customs fill the subcontinent of Bhurloka. Wandering ascetics practice austerities on mountaintops, seeking spiritual enlightenment and supernatural powers. Rajas stand before their palaces speaking to their peoples. Chariots roll and elephants march with armies to war.

But Bhurloka stands at the precipice of disaster. A sinister figure—the Dark Yogi—has risen to power. It is whispered that he has the ability to directly attack dharma, the very order of the universe, itself. Dharma, however, does not sit idly by. It has selected but a few to champion its cause. These Chosen of Dharma have the power to restore the balance of the world.

Tales of countless adventures in Bhurloka await the telling. Befriend the monkey-people, the vanaras. Face down the cruel rakshasa Ravema in his island fortress. Climb Mount Niru and visit the gods themselves. Treat with the naga tribes deep in the underworld, Patala. And much, much more!

Now is a time of legend!

Against the Dark Yogi is a complete roleplaying game set in a fantasy world inspired by Indian myths and legends. It’s features include:

  • A detailed take on stories and tropes from Indian myths without the need to be familiar with the mythology.
  • Run campaigns spanning multiple generations, with in-depth rules for creating and playing new incarnations of past heroes.  
  • A system where player characters accrue both good and bad karma, bringing about consequences for their actions.  
  • Power levels and game play designed to scale up, so players can be the big damn mythic heroes they always wanted to be!  
  • A combat system designed to handle everything from epic duels to pitched battles, where the heroes lead or defeat armies.  
  • Abilities and archetypes drawn directly from Indian myth!

Character sheets are available here. Electronic files come in PDF, MOBI and EPUB formats.

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Age of Ambition: Fantasy Roleplaying in an Age of Promise or Peril

Age of Ambition: Fantasy Roleplaying in an Age of Promise or Peril

Age of Ambition is a fantasy roleplaying game where magical and technological advancements are challenging the long-standing social order, and where the heroes help guide the world into a brave new era of promise or peril.

It's inspired by a variety of fantasy fiction, including: Joe Abercrombie's First Law series, Terry Pratchett's Discworld, Scott Lynch's Gentleman Bastard series and Brian McClellan's Powder Mage trilogies.

So strap on your breastplate and pick up your pistol. There are discoveries to make, wrongs to right, tyrants to overthrow and new social orders to trial! Features include:

  • A lifepath character creation system, including birth omens, life events and careers that connect each character to the world at large.
  • Support for a wide spectrum of power and influence, from peasant revolutionaries to the leaders of nations.
  • Systems for personal ambitions, influence, social change, bonds, magic, invention, combat, social status and more!
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Justine R November 17, 2018 2:30 pm UTC
The PDF is desperately in need of bookmarks. Scrolling through it to find anything is painful.
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File Last Updated:
August 03, 2014
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde July 21, 2014.