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Basic Character Generation 2d6 SF SRD

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Basic Character Generation is the starting point for your character!

The file contains everything you need to create your basic character before they begin their first career:

  • Definitions of the three characteristic types;
  • A description of each of characteristic;
  • A simple method for determining your character's intelligence quotient (IQ) score;
  • How to generate characteristic scores;
  • How to generate characteristic modifiers.

What Else Do I Need To Use This Product?

You will need at least two six-sided dice, some paper and pens or a computer and access to a set of 2d6-based science fiction role playing game rules that includes careers. Copies of Physical Appearance (UMP 0001), Family Background (UMP 0002), University (UMP 0003) and Graduate School (UMP 0004) 2d6 SF SRD from Universal Machine ublications may also be useful.

Product Description

This product is made up of the following files that all contain the same rules and information.

  • UMP0000_Basic_Character_Generation_2d6SFSRD.doc
  • UMP0000_Basic_Character_Generation_2d6SFSRD.docx
  • UMP0000_Basic_Character_Generation_2d6SFSRD.odt
  • UMP0000_Basic_Character_Generation_2d6SFSRD.pdf

Open Game Content/Open Game License Statement

All content is OGC under the OGL v. 10a, except the OGL itself, which is © 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. A copy of the full OGL v 1.0a can be found at the end of each file. The 2d6 Science Fiction System Reference Document (‘2d6 SF SRD’) is © 2014-2017, Universal Machine Publications.

More SF RPG goodness for your game!

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Opiniones (4)
Debates (1)
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Rory H November 10, 2014 11:15 am UTC
Maybe it might be useful if Universal Machine Publications actually made public who the authors of this product are?
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Universal Machine P November 10, 2014 11:45 am UTC
Why is it important to know who wrote the product? The product is 100% Open Game Content.
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Rory H November 10, 2014 11:45 am UTC
Partially because I’d like to know the relationship some of your reviewers have towards the company, and partially out a general sense of transparency in the transactions I have had with the company I have just purchased a product from.
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Universal Machine P November 10, 2014 12:59 pm UTC
None of the customers who have posted reviews have any relationship with UMP beyond the usual customer-publisher relationship.
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Rory H November 10, 2014 6:17 pm UTC
Prove it by telling us who you are, and the names of the authors.
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John K September 16, 2019 8:13 pm UTC
Quarrelsome aren't you. Get some peace, friend
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Joseph H October 18, 2020 11:08 pm UTC
Your unwillingness to credit your authors isn't just troublesome, it's poor PR and poor customer relations, and both of those things can cost sales. It also could be illegal within the US (See below or look up the Lanham act and it's revisions for why). If you are selling these in the united states, that could be a problem.

After seeing this comment thread I decided to remove every one of your products from my wish list due to my own personal ideals.

Not crediting authors (Even via psudonym) is a huge faux pas when publishing a book (A writer's reputation is a HUGE deal!). This is true for encylopedias, TTRPG books, minis wargame rules, fiction, nonfiction, research papers, and even some forms of technical document.

Perhaps more interesting and worrying is that, under US copyright law, this practice may even be illegal! Two states (California and New York) specifically interpret the Lanham act today (even though it's effectiveness has been weakened by revisions to related...See more
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Información del producto
Silver seller
Sistema de regla(s)
Número de referencia de la editorial
UMP 0000
Tamaño del archivo:
3.2 MB
Original electronic Click for more information
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Para crear las ediciones de descarga en PDF, cada página se ha procesado con un software de reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR) para tratar de descifrar el texto impreso. El resultado se coloca de forma invisible debajo de la imagen de cada página escaneada para permitir búsquedas de texto. Sin embargo, es muy probable que los textos de libros que estén impresos sobre un fondo gráfico o en fuentes escritas a mano no sean reconocidos por el software OCR y, por tanto, no formen parte de los resultados de las búsquedas. Además, algunos libros más grandes pueden ser reorganizados para que se adapten al sistema y puede que no tengan ese fondo que permite búsquedas.

Para los libros impresos, hemos realizado escaneos de alta resolución de una copia física original del libro. Esencialmente, hemos remasterizado digitalmente el libro. Por desgracia, la calidad resultante en tales libros no es tan alta. Es el problema que tiene hacer una copia de una copia. El texto se puede leer, pero las ilustraciones empiezan a verse oscuras, pixeladas o carentes de tonos de gris. Las fotos pueden desarrollar patrones moiré. Especificamos claramente qué títulos impresos provienen de imágenes escaneadas de libros, para que puedas realizar una decisión de compra informada acerca de la calidad de lo que vas a recibir.
Formato original electrónico
Estos ebooks fueron creados a partir de los archivos originales de diseño digital y, por tanto, se pueden realizar búsquedas en todo su texto. Además, el tamaño de archivo tiende a ser más pequeño que el de los libros de imágenes escaneadas. LA mayoría de los libros más nuevos están en este formato. Tanto las versiones para descarga como para impresión de estos libros deberían tener una gran calidad.
File Last Updated:
June 26, 2017
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 07, 2014.