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Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Curse of the Shadow WalkersClick to magnify
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Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Curse of the Shadow Walkers

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The Curse of the Shadow Walkers adventure finds the kids spending a day off at a swimming hole to the north of Rivenshore.  On the way home they help a young girl to bring her runaway cart under control.  She begs the heroes to help her mum and dad fight off a pack of hungry wolves, but could there be more to these attacks?
•  Adventure with five encounters and twelve new maps
•  Includes three monsters: Werewolf, wolf, and giant spider

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Pedro G November 20, 2022 10:58 am UTC
Hi! In the second encounter, where are the animals for the wolves to grab? Do the wolves just move to their position and automatically grab them? I don't understand this mechanic.
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Justin H November 22, 2022 10:08 am UTC
Hi Pedro, the description references sheep that are inside the main room of the farmstead with the Heroes. The wolves try to 'grab' these animals, and drag them out into the forest. I've updated the adventure with an indication of where the animals are on the encounter map, and with printable stand-ups for the animals, to make it clearer to the players what's happening.
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Irene H May 02, 2020 11:36 am UTC
Played on a tablet?
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Justin H May 02, 2020 11:39 am UTC
Hi Irene, Hero Kids is a pen and paper tablet role-playing game. You play it in person, at a table (I suppose), a bit like a board game. Here's a video showing an adventure in play:
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Irene H May 02, 2020 11:36 am UTC
Can this game bevplayedvon a tablet?
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Michael J February 19, 2020 2:03 pm UTC
I am planning to play this with two of my grandchildren this evening.
It could do with a couple of additions -
Encounter 1: a map of the road and a cut-out model for the runaway wagon.
Encounter 2: a map of the Wise-woman's hovel

And also, not just in this adventure but all Hero Kids adventures, I don't understand why you have cut-out models for the monsters, but none for the NPCs.
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Valerio P March 22, 2019 7:45 am UTC
Ok, here's my story...
First off, I plead guilty of initially downloading a pirated copy. My first skin-reaction to mentions of this game was "someone's trying to cash in on parents who want their kids to play D&D."

Boy, was I wrong!

After reading it, I already started changing opinion; the game is simple, well-written, optimally structured to lead through increasing levels of complexity, and the combat system has that Heroquest (the boardgame) feeling to it, that hits my nostalgia glands, too!

I've tried the game quickly with my children, just a couple "walk up and hit" scenarios, and they were incredibly excited about it!

I thought the game could use something "extra", like equipment cards and stuff like that, and I started designing a few of my own, while I proceeded to come here to purchase the game.

I've purchased the full package, and to my surprise equipment cards had already been devised by you!...See more
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Kimble V February 02, 2019 7:43 am UTC
I've tried to download this PDF several times tonight, but it keeps saying the file is corrupted. Can you please check the file?
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Justin H February 02, 2019 10:24 am UTC
Hi Kimble. DriveThru is having some problems since the server migration. So maybe try again in a couple of days once it settles down. If it doesn't work then, let me know.
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J L December 30, 2017 7:36 pm UTC
Do i show the forest in one go, or tile by tile?
and I am wondering how to "force" the players to go to the den first?
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Justin H January 01, 2018 6:07 am UTC
One tile at a time, and let them explore the twists and turns of the forest. Each time they choose a direction, you can lay out the next tile.
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File Last Updated:
July 01, 2023
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde February 10, 2013.