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The Reactor

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The Reactor360

DramaScape SciFi Volume 03

Street Level is a 32 x 30 inch, 2 level, full color floorplan of a Reactor, with Hex, Square and No overlay.

This Product includes the VTT files for online play.

Now includes a 360° View of the map.

Game Masters need quality maps for their miniatures. DramaScape™ is committed to bringing Game Masters the maps they need.

The reactor module includes two maps, the upper and lower level of a large power reactor.

This reactor could be the core of a power plant, or anything else that needs a large amount of power ranging from a submarine to a spaceship or space station. The only entrance is a hallway to the north on the lower level. Rows of pipes surround the main reactor core in the center, many with stop valves to control the flow of materials to and from the reactor. The reactor is split into four quadrants with walkways next to the walls of the reactor. Each quadrant has two ladders leading up to the upper level walkway. The upper level quadrants also have one ladder leading down to the core area. The main control panels are in the northern and southern quadrants on both levels. The northern and southern quadrants of the lower level have the stop valves as well. The western and eastern quadrants of the upper level have the stop valves. The upper level has handrails for safety.

The first nuclear power plants were invented in the mid 1950s. The style of this reactor fits more modern and science fiction games, but could easily be used for 1960s to modern era games as well since the many stop valves give it a classic look as well.
The reactor can make for a great adventure. One scenario is a meltdown, with the Player Characters needing to stop a chain reaction that will wipe out a city or a space station. This could be an accident, or perhaps sabotage from terrorists or an alien force. You can add additional complications to the scenario, with terrorists attacking the power plant or alien shock troops boarding the space ship and the main fighters of the group engaging them, while their engineers and scientists try to repair the reactor in time to prevent the explosion. For a science fiction scenario, saving the reactor restores power to the space station, allowing for a climactic space battles between the space station’s now back online defense systems and the alien space ships.

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March 7th, 2013
The following review was originally posted at Roleplayers Chronicle and can be read in its entirety at The Reactor is where the trouble is brewing. [...]
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File Last Updated:
December 04, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde November 20, 2012.