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Modern Floorplans: Arctic Research Station

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The smell of diesel stung Jacob’s nostrils as the snowcat thundered along the sea of white powder. Cresting a small hill, Jacob entered the main compound of the Nevicata Arctic Research Station. The massive red pods of the station stood out like a sore thumb against the pristine white background. Jacob opened the vehicle’s door, leaned out and scanned the area with a set of binoculars.

“Dear God,” Jacob exclaimed as he saw the mutilated bodies littering the ramp leading out of the garage.


Where do you go when the action starts? To the battle map, of course! If you need a map of a modern structure, you need Modern Floorplans. The Modern Floorplans series from Fabled Environments offers gamers high-quality maps in a variety of configurations:

  • Want to draw it out yourself? Use the 8.5x11 map as a guide.
  • Want to simply drop the map on the table and play? 
    • Use either the full-scale map (if you have access to a plotter printer) or print the tiled version on regular paper using the large page tiling feature of Adobe Reader and assemble a full-size version yourself in a matter of minutes. 
    • Both versions are scaled at 1 inch = 5 feet.
  • In addition, each floorplan also comes in versions without room labels and without furniture.
  • This flooplan take advantage of both the Layers feature and the Tile Large Page function of Adobe Acrobat X.

Note: All floorplans are rendered in black and white.

All maps are created by an architectural drafter using AutoCAD. This gives all of the maps the realistic feel that your players crave. Grab a copy of Modern Floorplans: Arctic Research Station today, and keep an eye out for future releases!

Map Description

Welcome to the Nevicata research station. Designed originally as an arctic research station, this building is perfect for any extreme weather. With its modular design, this structure can meet the needs of both big and small research projects. In addition, the adjustable pylons supporting the structure can place the structure at ground level or as high as ten feet in the air to avoid large snow and sand drifts as well as flooding.

The station consists of a single story research facility and a two-story living pod that can be combined together to create the size station that you need.

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March 2nd, 2017
There is no tiled version in the PDF that was delieved to me. [...]
December 31st, 2016
What you can expect from Fabled Environments are good maps. This one is particular, it's not a single map of a research station, it's made up of modules that you can combine how you desire, thanks to the provided hub module, to create even more [...]
Michael A. [Crítico destacado]
July 14th, 2012
The Arctic Research Station is a very accurate architectural drawing - evoking a style that is perfect for modern and near future games. Provided is a location with one hub, two living quarters, and a research/lab space. The architectural drawing inclu [...]
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File Last Updated:
July 18, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde July 14, 2012.