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Victorian Lost

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Victorian Lost: A Maze of Smoke and Hedge is a historical setting for Changeling: The Lost. This book contains information on the late Victorian Era, including both actual history and fanciful imaginings of this time. You'll find discussions of the occasionally violent tensions between the rich and the masses of the poor who worked in their factories and homes. This book also examines the competing visions of rural and urban life. Some saw the countryside as pure and cities as corrupt, while others viewed rural areas as ignorant and backwards, and cities as centers of progress and invention.

This book includes:

• Setting material and player and Storyteller advice for running Changeling games in the late Victorian Era.
• New and updated contract clauses, as well as two new kiths.
• A short serial for your chronicle, as well as a pre-generated Victorian motley: the Back Stairs Mob.

Note: The Black & White print editions of this book are not full-bleed. Because of printing requirements there is a small white border around the edge of the pages

Dark Eras

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Opiniones (11)
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November 8th, 2012
I've always loved these period books! The writers really make you feel like you're there. My only complaint is that these books are only ever done for one gameline at a time, and I think it might be better if they were written as a part of the World of [...]
July 20th, 2012
At first blush, Victorian Lost looks sharp and period topical, a quality White Wolf is well-known for in publishing and equally significant in an online book. The combinations of quaint and practical to set mood, the shadowy, running-away-from-ourselve [...]
Christopher H. [Crítico destacado]
July 17th, 2012
Victorian Lost is a great book to prime you for running games set in Victorian London. The books includes great tips on running stories so that they emulate Penny Dreadfuls and other similar fiction styles of the time. Also included are a few new kiths [...]
June 20th, 2012
In reviewing Victorian Lost I will describe merits based upon what it is and relate to you what it is not so you can make an informed decision or perhaps assuage buyer's remorse if it was not as expected. I am very pleased to have this eleventh book in [...]
June 19th, 2012
There are some things I really enjoyed about this book, and some things that didn't quite work for me. However, overall it does exactly what a good splat should: It made me want to run a game based on it, and feel more prepared to do so. I reall [...]
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File Last Updated:
December 28, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde June 05, 2012.