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Camelot Cosmos: GM's Book

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The GM's guide provides the secret background and more in depth detail about the setting of The Camelot Cosmos including organisations, history, artefacts, persons of import, the realms and a quest/mission generator and guide.

This book details the Camelot Cosmos, a section of space containing a collection of planets which have been very heavily influenced by the Arthurian legends of King Arthur, Merlin, Uther Pendragon, Lancelot and all the other characters familiar to us from the literature of Sir Thomas Mallory and the romances of the Middle Ages. These legends have, however, been confused with real people and events in the imagined history of the setting so that the understanding of the deeds of King Arthur held by a well-informed reader today may differ markedly from the legend as presented in these pages.

Imagine a world where loyal knights of King Gawain XXIII fight an endless battle against the android soldiers of an undying Morgan le Fay.

Imagine a world where magical Doors transport spies and armies between distant planets in the blink of an eye and where thousands of humans from a lost technological civilisation sleep in cryogenic stasis deep beneath the surface of a green
and pleasant land. 

Imagine a future that sees our own time as a lost golden age, and that is slowly
rebuilding human civilisation after its near extinction.

Imagine a world where monks pick through irradiated shopping centres for the secrets of the ancients, and where skill in the joust can decide a man’s social status.

Imagine Arthurian knights in space, and you have some sense of what the Camelot
Cosmos is intended to be.

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November 24th, 2012
Like the Player's Guide I bought this when it first came out. And sadly, it shares many of the Player's Guide's faults (art, layout, lack of bookmarks for the index). It also has the problem of not giving much advice on how to capture the feel t [...]
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File Last Updated:
April 13, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde April 13, 2012.